About us

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Doñana Fresa is a cooperative that unites a group of farmers, who join their synergies and efforts since 1987 with the intention to create the best professional team of distributors and producers of berries in Huelva.

Having dimensions located between small cooperatives and large companies, we stand out for the ability to realize an excellent craft work in each of our productions. This type of organization has also allowed us to fit in both format and distribution of all our fruits, that is something really valuable for our customers, as we are able to adapt to all their demands and requests.

Since the Doñana Fresa foundation approximately 35 years ago, we have realized sensational advances. The greatest development occurred with the change of headquarters in 2000, that allowed us to upgrade both products and techniques until we shaped into the distributors and producers of berries in Huelva that we are today.

Thus, we have managed to obtain a wide range of strawberries and raspberries that are considered as prestigious sorts due to their long storage life and beauty, that adds to its exquisite taste and affordable price. Thanks to all these characteristics, our main clients, located in Europe, always stay totally satisfied with the quality of our berries.

The 3000 m² of facilities and 400 m² of cold zone are located on the Almonte-Hinojos road. This location is privileged for our partners since their own farms are situated in a nearby, forming a total of 80 hectares dedicated to the cultivation of our products. In addition, each of our facilities is fully prepared to remain berries in good condition until they reach their destination.

As for the human team, our cooperative is formed by nine permanent members who join temporary workers, all of them with a broad qualification for fruit handling. We also have different partners and associates, in addition to being part of Freshuelva, which has helped us to stand out as distributors and producers of berries in Huelva.

quienes somos donana fresa